Academic Updates
As of February 2, 2022
ACT Test for Juniors
Students that have signed up for the ACT exam will be taking the ACT test in the KHS Gym on March 1, 2022 (Tuesday).
I will be emailing the students that signed up for the ACT exam soon, asking if they will be eating school lunch on 3-1-22 (exam day). This will reserve their lunch and help give the cafeteria a lunch count so that enough lunches are set aside.
On exam day, students should report directly to the gym for their ACT exam. Please make sure that you arrive early. Students will be able to enter the gym from 7:45 am (bring your student ID). The test will begin at 8 am. Once the test has started no late admittance will be accepted.
Students, please bring your Student ID/Driver's License, mask, jacket, snacks, water, pencils, and an ACT-approved calculator. Lunch will be served for examinees after the exam has been completed.
The KHS Library has many copies of the ACT prep guide available to check out. has practice tests available for you as well.
Any questions, please let me know.
Mrs. Stacy Ishihara
I will be emailing the students that signed up for the ACT exam soon, asking if they will be eating school lunch on 3-1-22 (exam day). This will reserve their lunch and help give the cafeteria a lunch count so that enough lunches are set aside.
On exam day, students should report directly to the gym for their ACT exam. Please make sure that you arrive early. Students will be able to enter the gym from 7:45 am (bring your student ID). The test will begin at 8 am. Once the test has started no late admittance will be accepted.
Students, please bring your Student ID/Driver's License, mask, jacket, snacks, water, pencils, and an ACT-approved calculator. Lunch will be served for examinees after the exam has been completed.
The KHS Library has many copies of the ACT prep guide available to check out. has practice tests available for you as well.
Any questions, please let me know.
Mrs. Stacy Ishihara
Grading Calendar 21-22
End of Quarter
Report Card Distribution
September 8
September 15
Quarter 1/Final
October 8
October 25
November 16
November 23
Quarter 2/Final
December 17
January 13
Personal Transition Plan
In accordance to Hawaii Board of Education, all students are required to complete the Personal Transition Plan (PTP) as a Graduation Requirement. All students at Kea'au High School will use the Naviance system to complete assigned tasks in order to receive their .5 credit required for Graduation.
To access the Naviance system students can login to and use the Clever Login Option. Students will need two things in order to login:
Should your student require assistance with how to complete their tasks they have a few options available to them:
To access the Naviance system students can login to and use the Clever Login Option. Students will need two things in order to login:
- 10-digit student ID number (Located on a report card, their school schedule, or in Infinite Campus)
- Date of birth (MMDDYYYY, for example 08152021)
Should your student require assistance with how to complete their tasks they have a few options available to them:
- Stop by E-107 for direct instruction provided by Mr. Ho, Naviance System Administrator
- Visit the Kea'au High School YouTube page for video walkthroughs of each task
- Click the "Show Me How" button when logged into Naviance as a student
Registrar's Office
If you have a new student that you would like to enroll at Kea'au High School please use the link provided in the button to see what documentation you will need.
Should you have any questions regarding Registration please contact the Registrar's Office at 808-313-3300. Appointments are required for any new student enrollment. |
Notice to Parents of Non-Highly Qualified Teacher
In accordance with Title I, and under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents have the right to know if their child is in any class that their child's teacher is not qualified to teach. This is a Federal law and a Title I requirement to disclose this information to parents.
Letters will be distributed to all students on November 8, 2021
Letters will be distributed to all students on November 8, 2021
Smarter Balanced Testing
Smarter Balance Testing 11th graders in English and Math will occur twice this year. For those students enrolled in a Math and/or English class in the Fall Semester and for those enrolled in a Math and/or English class in the Spring Semester.
Testing dates may vary depending on department selection.
Testing dates may vary depending on department selection.
Testing Window for SBA Math & English
Fall Semester
Math: December 6 - December 10
English: November 21 - December 17 |
Spring Semester
Math: May 16 - May 20
English: February 22 - May 27 |
Advanced Placement Exam Dates
May 4, 2022 (WED) @ 8am until done in the Library - AP Literature and Composition
May 4, 2022 (WED) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Computer Science A
May 9, 2022 (MON) @ 8am until done in the Library - AP Calculus
May 9, 2022 (MON) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Computer Science Principles
May 10, 2022 (TUES) @ 8am until done in the Library - AP Language and Composition
May 11, 2022 (WED) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Biology
May 4, 2022 (WED) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Computer Science A
May 9, 2022 (MON) @ 8am until done in the Library - AP Calculus
May 9, 2022 (MON) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Computer Science Principles
May 10, 2022 (TUES) @ 8am until done in the Library - AP Language and Composition
May 11, 2022 (WED) @ 12pm until done in the Library - AP Biology
End of Course exams
The dates for the Biology End of Course Exam will be posted when they have been announced. Stay tuned.
Beginning of the Year Documents
These documents were given out to every student on their first day of school. These documents may also be accessed using the Kea'au High School App (except the McKinney-Vento Form and the CEP Form).
The following forms must be returned back to the campus as soon as possible:
The following forms must be returned back to the campus as soon as possible:
- Emergency Card
- Audio/Visual release form
- CEP form
- McKinney-Vento Form
- Technology Responsible Use Form
- Student Handbook Acknowledgement Form
- Opt-Out Form for Military Contact
- Opt-Out Form for Higher Education Contact
- Digital Transcript Consent Form