In order for your student to continue to be a part of the sport they are playing, all Student Athlete's and their parents must be in attendance to the parent meeting. This year the Parent Meeting will consist of 2 parts.
- Complete all paperwork sent home with your Student Athlete and turn in to the Athletic Department
- Watch the mandatory concussion video posted below
1. Athletic Paperwork
Parents/Students will receive the following documents at the Mandatory Parent Meeting at the beginning of each season. These MUST be completed/submitted prior to first game.
Informational Packet Includes:
- Athletic Participation Acknowledgement Form
- Athletic Department Emergency Information & Consent Form
- Parent/Legal Guardian Authorization for Student Participation and Travel
- Athletic Facility Use Waiver
Informational Packet Includes:
- Athletic Rules and Responsibilities
- Athletic Training Policies and Procedures
- Parent/Visitor/Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
- Athletic Department Parent Communication
- Study Hall Guidelines
- Updated Covid Guidelines
- Ten Things Parents of Athletes Should Know (or think about)
- NCAA Eligibility & Timeline
2. Mandatory Risk Management Video
All parents and student athletes must watch the Risk Management Video prior to playing in any game/meet that Kea'au High School is participating in. The link below is to the Risk Management Video. Each Student Athlete was given a Blue form for the Parent/Legal Guardian to sign off that they watched the video. These forms must be turned into the Athletic Office prior to the Student Athlete being permitted to participate in any Game/Meet Kea'au High School participates in.