electronic device policy
Electronic Policy
Students may have an electronic device on their person, while on campus from 8:00 AM until the last class bell, Monday through Friday provided the device is on silent mode. Kea'au High School or its representatives will not assume responsibility for devices that are lost, stolen, damaged and/or confiscated. All electronics should be used respectfully while on campus. In the classroom, students will follow teacher procedures and policies.
Please be advised of the following:
The operation, and use of an electronic device by a student while on campus from 8:00 AM until the last class bell, Monday through Friday, and used in an disrespectful manner is expressly prohibited. The operation, display, and use of an electronic device during instructional periods, passing, lunch time, recess, assemblies or any school sanctioned event during school hours disrespectfully results in immediate confiscation, referral and disciplinary consequences. Electronic devices that are seen or heard being used disrespectfully by a Kea'au High School representative will be confiscated and turned into the respective administrator.
The first time a phone/electronic device is turned into the administration; the student may pick it up at the front office.
The second phone/electronic incident will result in parents coming to school to pick up the electronic device with Chapter 19 discipline.
The third phone/electronic incident may result with the school keeping device for the remainder of the school year and further Chapter 19 discipline.
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